In April, sBusiness platform and digiGO app got updated which will impact your journey. Let’s understand what has changed for good.
1. Leave approval is redesigned with more details
– Previously the date on the leave option was based on the day employees applied for leave. Now employees will see a leave period instead of the applied date. Oh! And yes, the date filter will also work based on the leave period.
– Also, approvers and super admin can see the leave history before approving the leave request. And if leave is rejected, there is a rejection note.
– Also, there is a leave period now on the leave request card in digiGO.
– Moreover, leave request has options under leave filter ~ (a) Pending (b) Approved (c) Rejected (d) Cancelled
2. Super admin must provide a note. For example, Approve / Reject / Pending / Cancel. This will be visible to all the stakeholders.
3. Moreover, super admin will be able to check organization-wide all leave requests for detailed report generation.
4. Now, the super admin cannot deactivate oneself from the portal anymore, not even mistakenly!
5. Now, digiGO is more secured. Password & security improvements have been done
6. Also, bugfix & Improvements, and new validations in super admin leave edit option.